Survivors worry about how the Zombie contagion spreads. It's only natural.
In the event of a real zombie apocalypse, it will be the number one
question on almost everyone's mind. Those who aren't thinking about it
will be shuffling in our direction with primitive thoughts of how tasty
the rest of us will be. Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer.
No one knows how a real Zombie contagion might spread!
In fiction, Zombie virus or bacteria usually spreads
through a bite. This implies that the primary vector for Zombie infection
is saliva. But, in a real world Zombie apocalypse, the methods of
transmission may vary or be altogether than genre fiction depicts.
Information passed along by authorities may be contradictory or
completely wrong.
What does this mean for you as a prepper? Maybe means
yes. For safety sake, you have to assume that Zombie virus can be
spread by bites, scratches, drool, blood spatter, intimate contact, and
possibly even Zombie breath.
How Do You Protect Yourself Against Zombie Virus or Zombie Infection?
The uncertainty over how the Zombie contagion spreads means that survivors should take extra precautions. This means engaging Zombies from stand off distances (with a rifle or crossbow instead of a knife) and wearing protective gear for close encounters of the Zombie kind. It's highly likely that government soldiers would engage Zombies while wearing heavy duty protective gear designed to offer protection from chemical and biological weapons.
US Military Photo By Spc. Randis Monroe ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
As civilians, we might not have access to military grade chemical warfare gear. The surplus gear that is available may be old, moldy, out-dated, or in need of unavailable filters. A better alternative would probably be to procure modern face shield and respirator used by painters and mold remediation experts. This will allow you to easily find replacement filters.

If you simply want to keep spatter and zombie fingers out of your face, a
riot helmet or motorcycle helmet might also be a good choice. You will also want to wear gloves. If you are concerned about pathogens touching your skin, you'll probably want some serious industrial PVC coated gloves. You'll also want to protect yourself by wearing a thick jeans, a water resistant jacket, and fully enclosed boots. Unlike the survivors depicted in so many Zombie films and television shows, you'll actually want to decontaminate your gear and clothing on a regular basis. You'll want to wash too!